Dave L. Cash Jr.
President Dave founded Charter School Specialists, a premier community school service provider, in 2004 because of his life-long passion and commitment to helping children succeed academically and socially. With nearly 20 years of experience in the community school movement, Dave has extensive experience and knowledge in all aspects of sponsorship and his partnership with St. Aloysius has made them one of the highest ranked sponsors in Ohio. He continues to be at the forefront of advocacy for community schools and student choice in Ohio. Dave formerly worked at the Ohio Department of Education supporting Ohio’s community school program in its early years by providing support and expertise in school development, contracts, evaluation, compliance, and technical assistance. He also served as a school leader working with disadvantaged and troubled youth, gaining a special appreciation for the difficult roles of administrative and teaching staff. Dave holds a master’s degree in counseling from Ashland University.

Brian Dunbar
VP of Compliance Brian has served community school parents, students, governing authorities and leaders since 2001. A former teacher and administrator in Columbus, Ohio community schools, he has leveraged his demonstrated success in the classroom as a teacher, curriculum coach, administrator, and chair of the Charter School Specialists LPDC Consortium in support of Ohio’s charter schools. Brian holds a bachelors of History from The Ohio State University and masters of Education from Mount Vernon Nazarene University. EMAIL

Tammie Osler
General Counsel Tammie has been an attorney since 2001 and worked in the education field since 2009. As an attorney and former assistant prosecutor, she provides assistance and support to charter schools sponsored by St. Aloysius, relying on her past experience with the ODE Office of Professional Conduct. She plays a key role in all application processes and executing contracts between Charter School Specialists and the many schools it serves. She currently resides in Pickerington, Ohio with her husband of over 20 years and three children. EMAIL

Buddy Harris
VP of School Improvement Buddy has worked in public education and community organizations for over twenty-five years. Prior to joining CSS, Buddy directed the Ohio Department of Education’s Office of Innovation where he designed and led large-scale initiatives to promote innovative practice, competency-based education, and alternative education. Buddy holds a master’s degree from the University of Mississippi, was a Strategic Data Project Agency Fellow at the Center for Education Policy at Harvard University, and holds a bachelor’s degree from the UNC at Chapel Hill. Buddy, his wife Abigail, and their two daughters Pearl and Liberty live in central Ohio. EMAIL