Board Guidance Documentation:

Governing Authority and School Leader Timeline 24 – 25 School Year

Community School Governing Authority Guidelines

Board Members Annual Training Videos:

Click on the desired training(s) below. Once you have completed the training(s), scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Request Certificate. Complete the form and the certificate will be sent to your email.

Public Records Law (25 min) (Sunshine Law Training Part 1)

Open Meeting Law (20 min) (Sunshine Law Training Part 2)

New Board Members Training Videos:

Click on the desired training(s) below. Once you have completed the training(s), scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Request Certificate. Complete the form and the certificate will be sent to your email.

Sponsor Obligations (43 min)

Compliance (18 min)

Sponsor Reports and Documents (41 min)

Contract Modifications (4 min)

Federal Programs (12 min)

School Improvement Overview (23 min)

Public Records (25 min) (Sunshine Law Training Part 1)

Open Meetings (20 min) (Sunshine Law Training Part 2)

Interventions (15 min)

Know Your Charter Agreement (27 min)

School Funding (20 min)

Fiscal Viability (24 min)

Being A Board Member (3 min)

Request Certificate
