Enter the address of where the school will be operating from. If an address is not yet known, please enter the city.
Note: A majority of students must be in a dropout prevention and recovery program.
If any member of the development team plans to continue to be involved with the school or the governing authority after opening, please describe the role. If no members intend on transitioning to the school or governing authority, please enter “N/A”.
Describe the governing authority structure (including how/when meetings are held, committees, terms, etc.), recruitment and future development plans. This section will be scored based on the applicant providing a clear plan with all of the requested information.
Please provide the following:
- • Provide a higher-level description of the management company’s role with managed school(s), and
- • Describe the management organization’s responsibility to the governing authority.
- • Upload a copy of the management agreement as a PDF document titled Attachment 3. If a management agreement has not been finalized, provide a copy of the management agreement template as a PDF document titled Attachment 3.
To receive a “Meets” on this section, a final or template management agreement must be submitted AND a detailed description of the management organization’s roles and responsibilities.
Please provide the following:
In the box below, please provide:
- • A formal statement of business goals, reasons they are attainable and plans for reaching them which contains information on the academic, financial and operational position of your organization over multiple years.
- • Include how many schools the organization plans to open over the next five (5) years.
To receive a “Meets” the plan provided must contain all of the required elements and demonstrate the organization’s capacity to achieve the stated goals.
As part of the application, the most recent audits for internet- or computer-based schools currently operated by the replicator will be collected and reviewed. If the Auditor of State has identified findings for recovery, please provide details below describing how these findings have been resolved. If there have not been any findings for recovery, please note that in the text box. If any unresolved findings exist, a score of Meets cannot be received.
For any internet- or computer-based school not currently sponsored by St. Aloysius, upload the last three (3) months of board approved financials and supporting board meeting minutes for the currently operated internet- or computer-based schools as PDF documents titled
Attachment 5. If necessary, provide a brief explanation below of the information contained in the current financials. A score of Meets will not be received if all requested information is not provided.
Please note: CSS will collect this information for any school currently sponsored by St. Aloysius and it will be reviewed and scored along with the information uploaded.
If YES, please list the entity involved, the management company’s relationship to the entity and a brief description of the situation.
Provide a list of each internet- or computer-based school ever affiliated with the management organization that includes the following:
- • Names of schools,
- • If the school is operating or closed. If closed, the reason for closure,
- • Dates of management organization’s affiliation with the school,
- • Grade levels served,
- • Number of students served by year,
- • For Traditional Schools, the Overall Grade, Progress grade and Performance Index Score for the years affiliated,
- • For DOPR Schools, the Overall Grade, High School Test Passage Rate, Progress grade, Gap Closing and Graduation Rates, AND
- • A summary for each school describing challenges encountered and/or successes achieved in the schools’ academic performance.
- Upload as a PDF document titled Attachment 6. To receive a “Meets” all of the required information must be provided and evidence a record of academic success in affiliated schools.
Provide data evidencing the management organization’s financial and business experience related to starting and operating schools. This information should include:
- • Debt carried by affiliated schools
- • The number of affiliated schools that owe money to the management organization and how much is owed.
- • This information should be provided for each school listed in the Record of Success in Academics section.
- Note: You may provide the information in the text box and/or upload a file. All of the requested information must be included. If uploading a file, it must be a PDF titled Record of Success Financial/Business. If ONLY uploading a file, please enter “See Attachment” in the text box. To receive a “Meets Expectations” there must be clear evidence that shows the management organization has a record of success in the financial and business aspects of starting and operating community schools.
Describe and provide data evidencing the management organization’s experience and success with underserved student populations with emphasis in experience in online or remote education programs as well as dropout prevention and recovery programs.
You may provide the information in the text box and/or upload a file. If uploading a file it must be a PDF titled Record of Success in Underserved Student Populations. If ONLY uploading a file, please enter “See Attachment” in the text box. To receive a “Meets”, there must be strong evidence showing experience with underserved student populations.
Please provide the following:
- • Discuss the school’s current recruitment and marketing plans.
- • Discuss plans to maintain student enrollment at the lowest grade level and attrition at all grade levels.
- • Future marketing strategies.
- • Upload copies of promotional or recruitment materials including; media plans, marketing plans, open house schedules, etc. as a PDF document titled Attachment 9.
- To receive a “Meets Expectations” the evidence provided must reflect a realistic and attainable plan to recruit students and maintain enrollment. This should align with the enrollment projections listed below.
Upload the the management organization’s most recent annual income statement and balance sheet as a PDF document titled Attachment 10. Describe below, in detail, the plan to support the new school(s) while continuing to support currently operated schools.
Using ODE’s Community School Annual Budget template (found with the application supporting documents or on ODE’s website), provide the school’s first-year budget with monthly detail showing expected cash flow, assets and liabilities as a PDF document titled
Attachment 11. The information in the budget should align with the enrollment projections listed above.
If the budgets for each location will vary significantly, provide a budget for each location.
To receive a “Meets Expectations” the budget must be complete and realistically reflect the enrollment, revenue and expenditures of the school.
Please provide the following:
If applicable, upload signed letters of commitment for contributions of funds or in-kind services as a PDF document titled Attachment 13. If necessary, provide a brief explanation of the contributions below.
Describe the governing authority’s plan to maintain the school’s short and long term financial stability and viability, including potential reductions in expenditures relative to fluctuating enrollment. Note: You may provide the information in the text box and/or upload a file. All of the requested information must be included. If uploading a file, it must be a PDF titled Financial Stability. If ONLY uploading a file, please enter “See Attachment” in the text box.
As part of the application, the compliance site visit reports from the previous school year will be collected and reviewed for all internet- or computer-based schools managed by the replicator. CSS staff will collect compliance site visit reports for schools currently sponsored by St. Aloysius.
- • Upload copies of all reports of site visits conducted by another sponsor from the previous school year as PDF documents titled Attachment 14. If any items are non-compliant, provide a brief explanation below of the reason for non-compliance and explain steps taken to achieve compliance.
Describe your experience with compliance as it relates to internet- or computer-based schools. You must include the following:
1. Provide evidence showing knowledge and understanding of attendance rule and law for e-schools.
2. Evidence of a state and diagnostic testing logistics plan.
3. Evidence of systems and attendance tracker.
You may enter information in the text box and/or upload a document as a PDF titled Compliance Internet or Computer Based Schools. If only uploading a document enter “Upload Only” in the text box.
Please provide a description of the school’s plan to address support services necessary for the school. The description/plan must, at a minimum, include a plan for providing special education and related services to students with disabilities, providing a computer/device to students, internet reimbursement, EMIS, and any contracted services not previously addressed in this application.